Last week saw Playboy launch its first non nudie issues since its first publication in 1953. I'm sure there's many individuals around the globe that may be outraged by this. Even Playboys German publisher Flanders retorted 'are you kidding?'
The magazine has recently seen plummeting sales that have averaged
600,000 copies per month, have in mind in its hey day (1972) the
publication sold a whooping 7.2m copies globally per month. I'm guessing
it was time to take drastic action - even Hugh Hefner
the 89 year old editor-in-chief said 'the time is right'. Let's be
honest, a magazine with nude women on the cover seems rather dated for
2016, let's face it a few mouse clicks on your computer can pull up any
adult content required, regardless of sexual preference
or gender.
I'm not going to judge the women who have graced the covers for decades
because as women we are fine to do with our bodies what we please. But I
will say women don't need to show their tits to look amazing - as the
new playboy cover of the March issue shows
us (its snapchat and selfie star Sarah Mc Daniels.) She quips 'we are
much more relaxed with our bodies and images of ourselves. This is very
Maybe now picking up your monthly issue of playboy (now placed with the
'normal' mags, yes - it will now take pride of shelf with vogue and
Conde Nast Traveller) won't be so embarrassing, gone is the time of
having to reach to the top shelf and peel back the
plastic whilst nearby shoppers watch.
I'm guessing the creators of playboy are hoping this re-design will
bring a new audience to the magazine and the latter should make that
It's not only the cover that's had a overhaul - new columnists have
joined the magazine and for the first time in the history of playboy, a
woman will write the sex Column
All this talk of playboy has got me thinking about being exposed and
comfortable - I know personally I'm not ready for bikini season just
yet! Clothed - I'm just about okay with. Hopefully my techno friend/app
'my fitness pal' has me somewhere towards that
goal. But really on a day to day basis how many of us are actually okay
with being nude? Or even semi- clothed? I've only just realised
there's no cubicles in the changing rooms at the gym. Instead of being
given the option of whether to change in front
of strangers or behind the privacy of a curtain, you are presented with
a communal bench and a locker! Going topless on the beach if you're
past a C cup (like me) feels like a no go area but for those who dare -
why not. Is this to tan those white bits or
is it about something else all together? Self-esteem, confidence, not
giving a shit, egotistic? Who knows? Maybe this is where the saying 'if
you've got it flaunt it' works best.
As for the future of no nudie playboys, I'm sure the creators and Hugh
are wanting to see the newly re-invented magazine carry on influencing
and entertaining individuals for the next few decades and if not at
least they didn't go down without trying.
Image Source - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail
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