Wednesday 26 April 2017

What the f*** is everyone wearing at Coachella

Coachella is now behind us for another year (thank goodness) but after scrolling through various websites, my reaction was "what the f*** is everyone wearing?" 
RITA ORA was wearing white and blue checked cowboy boots, a metallic dress and a hat that resembles a shit white 90's Kangol version. I know it's each to their own and I always encourage anyone to wear whatever they want but there is a difference between creativity and fashion victim. 
Rhianna, a Coachella regular wore a diamante encrusted all in one. Probably not the most practical of outfits for the Californian weather but shock and awe is the key when dressing for this festival.  
Illustrator Joolee Loren depicted what the rest of the Coachella attending individuals wore and this illustration couldn't have been more fitting - hilarious. Fringing, suede, lace up sandals, chokers and my favourite, a groovy world view. Each of these sartorial items worn separately may be plausible but all together they look, in my opinion, damn ridiculous.
Ph credit:Vogue and Instagram

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