Thursday 8 December 2016

Four years later

This month marks 4 years of writing this blog and over the years, I've questioned many times why I'm writing it. Do people enjoy reading it? Are my topics relevant? Is it original? The latter being the most prominent.
At times I thought maybe I shouldn't bother anymore, but something (plus my very supportive boyfriend) has kept me writing.
There's so many blogs out there and its tough finding your niche. My aim has always been to try and create something a little different.
Over the years I’ve pondered the idea of trying to make money out of my blog with advertisements and promotion of products. I have been approached by a selection of brands, many I didn't care for so I opted out and to be honest I'm glad I did, there's nothing more irritating than getting half way through someone's post only to realise it's completely biased towards the company that is giving them free stuff. I didn't start a blog purely for it to be used as a tool to hawk other people’s crap - each to their own but to me, that cheapens content and falsifies opinion. Promoting freebies probably gets you more blog traffic and that's fine as long as products are being promoted with an honest opinion and readers know they are reading sponsored content.
Originally my blog was a place to document my ramblings about fashion. But more recently It's become a place to write about issues and topics that inspire me, whether that be about fashion, style, pop culture or something more serious.
In life we constantly compare ourselves to others mainly through life achievements and ownership but online there is so much more to compare your work to. Is my writing Honest? Interesting? Or is it a carbon copy of what someone else has written?
With so many other blogs out there i guess it's only natural to compare. I don't get the views and comments I'd like but I try and write about something different and maybe in the near future my ratings may improve. But to be truthful I've never wanted to become that typical blogger mainly because I don't fit to that stereotype. I'm a little older (29 to be exact) and I don't have the typical blogger look. I don't have a fortune to spend on luxurious holidays, I'm not super slim or have pristine make up and most of the time I look less than perfect but I've always wanted my blog to reflect reality. I'm a student, I can't afford to purchase new, on-trend clothes every week to discuss but I do continually think about what's new, interesting and inspiring to my readers.
I love to write and that's what will hopefully support this blog to make it to its fifth year. I'm not going to say everything I write interests everyone because it doesn't. The beauty of individuality is that we all have different opinions and interests. If just one post inspires you in a small way, then I feel I've done what I set out to do. 

Ph Credit Still, That Kind of Women on Bloglovin via Pinterest, edited using A Beautiful Mess app


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