Friday, 19 May 2017

GIRLBOSS - "what follows is a loose retelling of true events.........real loose."

The opening credits to Girlboss reads "what follows is a loose retelling of true events......real loose." and this is certainly true, within the first 5 minutes you see Sophia Amoruso (founder of Nasty Gal)  or the actress playing her, Britt Robertson pushing her broken down car up a very steep hill in San Francisco. Seriously shes a petite 20-something, this would not be possible.

For those who are not aware of Girlboss the new Netflix Original Series, its based on the same titled book which follows the rise of Amoruso's multi-million dollar fashion empire, Nasty Gal. A brand that in 2016 filed for bankruptcy. Nasty Gal however still remains but under the British-owned BooHoo profile. The brand is not as it was originally know - its more fast fashion with a vintage look than original one off vintage pieces.

The 13 part series follows Sophia through the ups and downs of launching her online business selling vintage clothing. The series covers some random moments from Sophias life - including a fear of bridges to a hernia explosion. I've heard mixed reviews but I've binged watched all 13 episodes in 3 sittings. If you can ignore the cringe worthy acting, cheesy one liners and annoying attitude of the main character, Sophia, you will love it. 
Plus the fashion and music is amazing which is definitely a reason to watch. Think platform boots, extra wide flares and an amazing 1970's multi coloured calf skin biker jacket. 

ph credit - fashion magazine

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